Aspiring Engineers Explore Construction 1877 0

Aspiring Engineers Explore Construction

Bridget Ingebrigtsen
/ Categories: Leadership

In April, O’Shea hosted the Illinois Department of Transportation’s Engineering Explorers (EE) Post #6 program in O’Shea University. The program is a part of the Boy Scouts of America Learning for Life, and it introduces students from high school freshmen through college freshmen to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) topics/activities and other engineering-related fields.

During their visit to O’Shea, the students listened to a presentation from Mike Sunley, senior project manager, Janelle Fanning, project manager, and Adam Schmidt, project engineer. The group learned about how engineering relates to construction. Mike, Janelle, and Adam also highlighted a few of their projects successes and challenges throughout their O’Shea careers.

“We had a great time introducing the students to commercial construction and how it relates to engineering. And who knows, maybe, one of them might eventually pursue a construction career,” Janelle said.

Jason Kern, one of the leaders from EE Post #6, was pleased that O’Shea hosted the students.

“Every year, our group tries to increase our presence in the area by visiting organizations that introduce to students to more STEM-related topics/careers, regardless of whether the organization is directly related to engineering. O’Shea was the perfect place to do this,” Jason said.

