O'Shea Team Spotlight: Joe Whitlow 694 0

O'Shea Team Spotlight: Joe Whitlow

Bridget Ingebrigtsen
/ Categories: Employee Spotlight

Q. Where did you grow up? 

A. West edge of Decatur, Ill.

Q. Your proudest moment? 

A. Graduating with my bachelor’s degree.

Q. Which construction project are you the most proud to have been, or be, a part of?

A. I’ve been fortunate to have worked on several amazing projects under the leadership of some great people. But my favorite project so far is West Side Christian Church. It was an honor to build the place people would come to glorify God.

Q. If you had to leave the construction industry entirely and could walk into any other job no questions asked, what would it be? 

A. I’d spend a decent amount of my time outside or volunteering as a youth leader at my church. I suppose I’d say doing that full time as a youth pastor would be pretty sweet.

Q. If someone made a movie about your life, which actor would you want to play you and why?

A. I’d choose Matthew McConaughey. People have said I look like him, and every role I’ve seen him play he’s been portrayed as being pretty laid back and chill, so, it’s perfect.

Q. Who was your hero growing up? 

A. My mother was/is my hero. She accomplished so much, while also raising two crazy boys, and it’s nothing short of heroic.

Q. What is the title of your biography? 

A. “Ope.”

Q. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

A. I would have all of Dr. Strange’s superpowers because he can literally do anything.

Q. Who was your first crush?

A. Jessica Alba.

Q. Favorite Disney character?

A. Kronk from “The Emperor’s New Groove.”
