O'Shea Team Spotlight: Dillon Fickas 680 0

O'Shea Team Spotlight: Dillon Fickas

Bridget Ingebrigtsen
/ Categories: Employee Spotlight

Q. Where did you grow up? 

A. Petersburg, Ill.

Q. Favorite season or holiday and why? 

A. My favorite season is the fall and my favorite holiday is Christmas. I love the fall because of the cooler weather, and Christmas is my mom's birthday, so it has always been a big deal in our life.

Q. Your proudest moment? 

A. I would say my proudest moment would be becoming a father to my two girls and another is one on the way.

Q. Which construction project are you the most proud to have been, or be, a part of?

A. I'm proud of almost every project we do. Each is unique and different, but the Williamsville school project has been amazing to work on.

Q. If you had to leave the construction industry entirely and could walk into any other job no questions asked, what would it be? 

A. I think it would be fun to own a BBQ shack in a small town on Lake Michigan.

Q. If someone made a movie about your life, which actor would you want to play you and why?

A. Probably Ryan Reynolds because he is tall, good looking, and funny, like myself!

Q. Who was your hero growing up? 

A. Because I grew up in the early ‘90s, I'd have to say Michael Jordan.

Q. What is something you’re afraid of? 

A. Not being able to see my daughters grow up is probably my biggest fear.

Q. What is the title of your biography? 

A. “The Real Ironman.”

Q. If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would it be?

A. I would probably have dinner with Elon Musk. He's interesting in so many ways, and I'm sure it would be fun.

Q. Fill in the blank. I think it would be really cool if O’Shea Builders __________. 

A. Made Fridays optional.

Q. If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?

A. My super power would be to run efficiently and effectively with zero sleep.

Q. Who was your first crush?

A. Britney Spears.

Q. If you had to choose between swimming with sharks, skydiving, and bungee jumping, which would you choose and why?

A. I would say bungee jumping because I'm so used to being tied off that I don't think I could skydive.
