O'Shea Team Spotlight: Evan Sharp 1009 0

O'Shea Team Spotlight: Evan Sharp

Bridget Ingebrigtsen
/ Categories: Employee Spotlight

Q. Where did you grow up? 

A. Springfield.  

Q. Pet? 

A. Black Lab, Cattle Dog Mix named Brodie.

Q. Your happiest moment? 

A. My happiest moment was standing on the top deck of an Alaskan cruise ship during a calm clear night with a full moon. It was so bright you could see the walls of the fjord and the ship, and all you could hear was the wind.

Q. If you had to leave the construction industry entirely and could walk into any other job no questions asked, what would it be? 

A. Astronaut.

Q. If someone made a movie about your life, which actor would you want to play you and why?

A. Bruce Willis because he’s smart, handsome, hard core, and doesn’t have too many lines.

Q. If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would it be? 

A. Anna Kendrick or Mike Rowe.

Q. If you were ever in police beat, what would it be for? 

A. Grand Theft Auto (The game is fun…).

Q. If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?

A. Telekinesis because you can move objects with your mind, which means the applications are endless.

Q. Favorite Disney character?

A. Robin Williams’ Genie.

Q. If you had to choose between swimming with sharks, skydiving, and bungee jumping, which would you choose and why?

A. Skydiving, this has been a bucket list item for me and something I always wondered if I was brave enough to try.
