O'Shea Team Spotlight: Max Dirker 1381 0

O'Shea Team Spotlight: Max Dirker

Bridget Ingebrigtsen
/ Categories: Employee Spotlight

Q. Where did you grow up? 

A. I grew up in Seneca, Ill. Seneca is a small farm town right on the Illinois River home of the Fighting Irish.

Q. Your proudest moment?  

A. One of my proudest moments was the day I got out of the Navy and walked off the USS Saipan for the last time. I was proud of the four years I spent serving my country and how I set myself up to go to college and pursue a career.

Q. Pet? 

A. We have a Mini Schnauzer named Lulu. We love her, but she is a handful because she’s an older, diabetic dog who is now blind and mostly deaf.

Q. If someone made a movie about your life, which actor would you want to play you and why? 

A. Vince Vaughn – I enjoy all of his movies, and I have that same sarcastic sense of humor he portrays.

Q. Favorite holiday and why? 

A. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I enjoy family, food, and football over a long weekend!  Also, my wife is an amazing cook, and Thanksgiving is one of those times she gets to really show it off!

Q. If you had to leave the construction industry entirely and could walk into any other job no questions asked, what would it be? 

A. I’d like to own and run my own pizza pub type place. Two of my favorite things are pizza and beer! 

Q. Who was your hero growing up? 

A. My dad was always my hero. He was a quiet, reserved man, but for me, he was larger than life. He and I were best friends, and I only wish we would have had more time together.

Q. If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would it be? 

A. Dave Grohl – I’m a huge music fan, and the Foo Fighters are my favorite band. Dave Grohl seems like he’d have plenty of stories to share.

Q. Fill in the blank. I think it would be really cool if O’Shea Builders ______.

A. Had company vehicles for employees but not trucks. I’m thinking sportscars. I’d like an Audi R10 just like Tony Stark! 

Q. Who was your first crush? 

A. My first crush was Elisabeth Shue’s character, Ali, in The Karate Kid.
