O'Shea Team Spotlight: Reide Beyers 1109 0

O'Shea Team Spotlight: Reide Beyers

Bridget Ingebrigtsen
/ Categories: Employee Spotlight

Q. Where did you grow up? 

A. Pana, Ill.

Q. Pet?

A. I have a Labrador Retriever named Cash. I brought him home on Christmas my freshman year of college. My mom and dad were not amused, but he has become the family favorite.

Q. If someone made a movie about your life, which actor would you want to play you and why? 

A. Probably Johnny Knoxville. The guy is hilarious and is so far out there that you can’t mistake him for someone else.


Q. Favorite season or holiday and why? 

A. Summer time because I get to spend more time with family that lives all across the country, and I also get to see my friends almost every day.

Q. Who was your hero growing up? 

A. My hero was my Dad. I can remember always wanting to be just like him. My mom sometimes tells me I am too much like him.

Q. What is something you’re afraid of? 

A. I am terrified of getting old. I always say I’m just going to refuse to do it.

Q. If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would it be? 

A. Clint Eastwood – that guy is awesome.

Q. Which construction project are you the most proud to have been, or be, a part of? 

A. The project I am most proud of so far is the first pond I helped build with my grandpa, dad, and cousin. This was my first real construction job, and it taught me many lessons. I still carry most of what I learned building that pond with me today.

Q. If you were ever in police beat, what would it be for?

A. I have pondered passing on the shoulder on the way to work … people love that left lane.

Q. Who was your first crush?

A. Carrie Underwood, I watched the Top 10 Countdown on CMT when I was younger and seemed like she was always on there.
